All posts by Bravo Lum


To Mee (Email), CK Ng (Email or Whatsapp)
Cc Raymond, ManKit, Benny


經過一個月的大聚集後, 本教網絡的香港排名由8000上升到3100.


A. 基本選項. USD $199.99/yr
1. 伺服器24×7免受干擾
2. 不會受到假用戶進入本網站
3. 檔案免受被病毒污染.
4. 用戶能放心收聽或下載講道錄音及其他檔案.

B. 商業選項 USD $ 499.99/yr
(基本條件是我需要把網站升級到 HTTPS )
5. 用戶在在收取或遞交個人資料時不會被截取.

Network Security Provider.

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Gmail dated: 2020-08-02 18:27 UTC+8

Dear Bravo, thanks for the alert on network security issue.

As discussed, pls proceed with Option A asap, and join Option B when we are ready to move to HTTPS.


CK,  the expense will be US$ 200 for several months till we move to B, then it will be US500/year.

Bravo, please claim the expense with CK.

Thanks to all.

God bless,





Retreat Topics (HK)

Due to the epidemic and the government’s restriction on group gatherings, the summer camp (day camp) originally scheduled for August 5-7 will be held in a non-physical mode. For three consecutive Sundays starting from August 2 (Sunday), the topic of each day of the camp will be shared by the corresponding speaker in the Sunday evening service:

-August 2: Keep yourselves in God’s love (Eliot POON)
-August 9: Spiritual Life Training (Vivian LEE)
-August 16: Why do you Fear the Holy Spirit? (Carol CHEUNG)

The topic outline (Chinese and English) on the above topics can be browsed or downloaded from the following links:

-Print version: download (Summer Retreat Topics)
-Mobile version: browse (

After the weekly sharing, cell groups / believers can share their learnings from the topic in the following week through online tools, and Sunday school classes can share their learnings in the subsequent Sunday school e-class.

“Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good.” – Hebrews 10:24 GNB

Web Sermon Publish Scheduler


因應疫情有限聚令, 教會進行網上聚會.
(數碼檔 Digital File, mp3, wav … )
網頁在預定安排的時段, 放送在網頁上.

[Time       ][Services Type]
Not Set– 00: Sunday School
14:45:00 01: Sunday Service (Hong Kong)
11:00:00 01: Sunday Service (Kowloon)
19:45:00 02: Sunday Evening Service
19:45:00 03: Wednesday Service
19:45:00 05: Friday Service
Not Set– 09: Annual General Meeting
19:45:00 13: Testimony Meeting
11:18:00 14: Revival Meeting (Morning)
19:45:00 15: Revival Meeting (Evening)
Not Set– 16: Summer Camp (Morning)
19:45:00 17: Summer Camp (Night)
Not Set– 21: New Year Service
Not Set– 22: Chinese New Year Service
Not Set– 23: Good Friday Service
Not Set– 24: Christmas Service

此功能是應用所有的 Sermon File上. 亦是必要的檢示功能.
如沒有時間提供[Not Set],將會應用預設時間 Default Time 19:45:00.

Not Set 遲些將會後補時間.
系統是由 Sermon File Name Convention 分析,時間,地點,及聚會形式.

Updated: 2020-07-22.01

備忘錄 onair網頁更新

onair 網頁更新了核心,變成全自動化.
網頁內容每日 TimeZone UTC+8 0:00:00 自動更新.
崇拜內容是來自 sermonScheduleSource.csv.
崇拜內容詞彙來自 的資料庫 洭出 csv (Export).

onair 是全開放 及 高流量平台, 因此沒有太多的背景運作,
因保安理由, 而避免進入 的資料庫 提取崇拜內容.

加了本地及香港時間,用家更了解時差. 例如温哥華及香港.


Hong Kong Disease Prevention Measures

In light on group gatherings in public places under the relevant regulation enacted by the Hong Kong government, all physical services are suspended, continuing with online sermons, until further notice.

On Sunday, there will be three sermons provided online, sermons will also be provided online on Wednesday and Friday. Details as follows:

Sunday Morning
10:30am quiet moments and pray
11:15am online sermon – Sunday Service (Kowloon)

Sunday afternoon
2pm quiet moments and pray
3pm online sermon – Sunday Service (Hong Kong)

Sunday evening
7pm quiet moments and pray
8pm online sermon – Sunday Evening Service

Wednesday/Friday Evenings
7pm quiet moments and pray
8pm online sermon – Wednesday/Friday Services

URL of Online Sermon:

Although we will be unable to attend church in person, let’s keep up with our regular worships (on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and in Revival Meetings) with God in the Holy Spirit.

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
John‬ ‭4:24‬ NIV
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:13-14‬ ‭NIV

updated: 20200714.01

Online Participation of Hong Kong's Summer Retreat

This year’s summer retreat of Hong Kong will be held at the Kowloon Tabernacle from August 5 to 7, Hong Kong time. We will open the morning session on the first day (5/8) and the third day (7/8) (9:30 am to 12:30 pm Hong Kong time), including singing, preaching, and morning group discussion for overseas believers participate through video conferencing system.

Overseas church members can apply online after praying. Church members outside Vancouver please contact Carol Lau. The enrollment deadline for overseas members is July 5.




分別是 Web Admin 及 Web Operator.

Web Admin

Web Admin  負責雲計算上

  1. 糸統安裝,維護.
  2. 網絡保安,
  3. 資料傋份  (所有資料包 mp3, 通告,將會每月傋份一次, 作永久保存)
  4. 兼任 Web Development

Web Operator


  1. 有關教會通吿, 將通批核後, 再由(設計組)同工發送到網頁操作員.
  2. 由網頁操作員負責更新網頁.
  3. 網頁操作員不會負責修改内容,

在一般情況下, 值理會由義務秘書發出通告,
經電郵送給 Web Operator在網站發報,

傋註: 義務秘書可能在其他內容用字,提出意見或修改.
Web Operator 在一般情況下都應該執行.
但在其他網站工能上, 就是由資訊科技組長負責協調.

Web Site Structure


Updated: 20200611.01

Cloud Storage Document


教會網站在 雲計算上儲存安排.
雲計算資料存放空間 (Storage Space),

Cloud Storage

Main Storage (EC2)

這就是網頁及資料庫, 主要存放的地方. 收費用比較高的服務.

  • Main Storage Space 64G 
  •  Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud running Linux/UNIX Reserved Instances
  • Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC), t2.large reserved instance applied, t2.large instance used 285 Hrs
  • USD 0.0401 hourly fee per Linux/UNIX (Amazon VPC), t2.large instance 720.000 Hrs
  • EBS
  • $0.05 per GB-Month of snapshot data stored – US East (Northern Virginia) 19.193 GB-Mo
  • $0.10 per GB-month of General Purpose SSD (gp2) provisioned storage – US East (Northern Virginia) 23.556 GB-Mo

 Secondary Storage (S3)

 這是 Data Warehouse, 只供存放資料, 並沒有執行程式的功能. 收費很便宜.

  • Amazon Simple Storage Service TimedStorage-ByteHrs
    $0.023 per GB – first 50 TB / month of storage used
  • The total storage size of the sermon file is average 7G each year.


  • The pricing is in USD$ currency.
  • Excluded Web Development, Admin, and Operating costs.

Retention Policy


  1. 因此教會的舊檔案,如講道,文件,影片. 在一段時間(如2年)後須由 Main Storage 搬到 Secondary Storage.
  2. 暫定: 儲存在 Main Storage 的 mp3 檔案, 為2年期.所以2年以上 (即 2018-01-01 以前舊檔案), 即搬了到 Secondary Storage 永久保存 

Exceptional Case

  • 如果取消 Amazon 用戶 或 Amazon AWS 終止營運

What affects to existing users?

對於現在網站使用者並沒有影響, 但對於自製 URL ( Sermons File Format) 連結的使用者, 只是小改變如下:[sermon file ].mp3.

改變為[sermon file ].mp3.

Privacy Policy

  • 關於 S3 Data Warehouse 保安,私隱, 儲存的資料可參考以下.

Updated: 20200613.02