All posts by Bravo Lum





1. 錄音員在開始聚會前十分鐘到達,請先調整音量在收音狀態,並查看顯示屏的音量棒是否有收音的信號。(如有疑問關於音量信號,請向技術員查詢)
2. 主日午堂, 當值司琴己在值, 13:57 打鐘. (如司琴沒有在值,請通知大堂當值同工.)
3. 唱完第一首詩,祈禱時段,把所有咪的音量調較到零。
4. 祈禱將完結前五分鐘,檢查及調較所有器材在預備錄音前備用狀態。
5. 在會眾唱第二首詩的最後兩句,開始錄音。。
6. 唱完第二首詩,講出講道章節後,請用耳筒聽取錄音機内所收之錄音質素。
7. 聚會完結,把所有咪的音量調到零。關掉電源便可離開.

主日學, 星期三

1. 錄音員在開始聚會前十分鐘到達,請先調整音量在收音狀態,並查看顯示屏的音量棒是否有收音的信號。(如有疑問關於音量信號,請向技術員查詢)
2. 唱完第一首詩,祈禱時段,
2.1. 星期三 關擴音器.
2.2. 主日學 把所有咪的音量調較到零。
3. 錄音員兼任看著大堂的狀況, 坐著祈禱. (祇適用主日學)
4. 祈禱將完結前五分鐘,檢查及調較所有器材在預備錄音前備用狀態。
5. 在會眾唱第二首詩的最後兩句,開始錄音。
6. 唱完第二首詩,講出講道章節後,請用耳筒聽取錄音機内所收之錄音質素。
7. 聚會完結
7.1. 星期三 關擴音器.
7.2. 主日學 把所有咪的音量調到零。


1. 主日崇拜
2. 聖誕崇拜
3. 結婚崇拜
4. …

* 如有其他技術問題,可向技術員求助。

Suspension of Mail Service

Suspension of Newsletter Overseas Mail Service except Vancouver Tabernacle

Due to the pandemic, the Hongkong Post has suspended certain overseas airmail services. Therefore, except for the Vancouver Tabernacle, newsletter mailing service to overseas church members is suspended until airmail services resume normal. During this period, overseas church members may download the electronic version of the newsletter through the church website:

“The gospel keeps bringing blessings and is spreading throughout the world, just as it has among you ever since the day you first heard about the grace of God and came to know it as it really is.”- Colossians 1:6 GNT

Resume Services & Health Advice

In view of the fact that the Government has relaxed the restrictions in relation to group gatherings for religious gatherings, with immediate effect, our church will resume all regular services/meetings, subject to fulfilment of the relevant regulatory requirements.  All believers participating in the services/meetings may refer to the following health advice issued by the Department of Health:

Health Advice issued by the Department of Health

How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord ; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” Psalms 84:1‭-‬2 NIV

Special Arrangement for Services (Revised Version)

As the Hong Kong government gazetted today to extend the prohibition on the gathering of groups with more than 4 people in public places until 23 April. During this period, all physical gatherings continued to be suspended, and the sermon recordings were broadcast online instead.

On Sunday, there will be three sermons provided online, sermons will also be provided online on Wednesday and Friday. Details as follows:
Sunday Morning
10:30am quiet moments and pray
11:15am online sermon – Sunday Service (Kowloon)
Sunday afternoon
2pm quiet moments and pray
3pm online sermon – Sunday Service (Hong Kong)
Sunday evening
7pm quiet moments and pray
8pm online sermon – Sunday Evening Service
Wednesday/Friday Evenings
7pm quiet moments and pray
8pm online sermon – Wednesday/Friday Services
Arrangements for Good Friday and Easter Revival meetings

Although we will be unable to attend church in person, let’s keep up with our regular worships (on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and in Revival Meetings) with God in the Holy Spirit.

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
John‬ ‭4:24‬ NIV
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:13-14‬ ‭NIV

Christmas Service 2019


ChirstmasService 2019

Kowloon Tabernacle Reopening Notice

Pentecostal Mission, Hong Kong & Kowloon
Kowloon Tabernacle Reopening Notice


1)  By the grace of God, our Kowloon church has completed its renovation and will reopen on 17 November (Sunday)

2)  Worship schedule:
Sunday school: 9:30am Sunday service: 10:30am, 7pm Friday service: 7pm

Come join us and receive the blessings of the Full Gospel.

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14

Summer Services 2019


Lord, I’m Coming Home 我今歸家 429


Summer Revival Meetings
(Hong Kong Tabernacle)
Jul 29 – Aug 3, 2019
Daily 10:00am, 7:00pm

Summer Revival Meetings
(Hong Kong Tabernacle)
Jul 15 – 20, 2019
Daily 10:00am, 7:00pm



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