Category Archives: Internal
Internal Documents
Spring Revival Meeting 2022
Chinese New Year Service 2022
Suspension of Physical Services(updated on 23 Feb)
In view of the ongoing pandemic situation and in compliance with the latest
government regulations on pandemic prevention, the church will maintain holding
services in online format until 20 April 2022. You are welcome to join our online
services via accessing our website at
“Day by day the LORD takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever.” Psalm 37:18
Notice: Temporary Suspension of Church Physical Services
In view of the recent pandemic situation, sources suggest that the novel variant Omicron spreads much more quickly and easily than the previous virus, and even vaccination may not offer effective protection. Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of infection, the Church Committee has decided, after prayer, careful consideration, and in accordance with the Government’s call, that with effect from today until 20th January, 2022, all physical services will be temporarily suspended, and will either be changed to online format or postponed.
We urge all brothers and sisters of the Church to pray for all matters, and may God’s name be glorified.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
New Year Service 2022
Vancouver Tabernacle Revival Meetings
溫 哥 華 堂 培 靈 佈 道 聚 會 Vancouver Tabernacle Revival Meetings
8月16至21日 August 16 – 21
晚上7:00 第一首合眾唱詩
7:00 pm First Congregational Hymn
晚上7:05-7:45 靜心祈禱親近主
7:05 – 7:45 pm Personal Praying Time (live streaming will be silenced)
晚上7:45 第二首合眾唱詩,講道,唱《讚美詩》及散會禱告
7:45 pm Second Congregational Hymn, Sermon, Doxology, Ending Prayer
Live Streaming 在線直播: Please click here 請點擊這裡
2021 Revival Meetings 培 靈 佈 道 會 MP3: Please click here 請點擊這裡
2021 Vancouver Retreat 温 哥 華 靈 修 營 MP3: Please click here 請點擊這裡
Summer Revival Meeting
HK Summer Retreat
宗旨 :使經常參加本教會聚集崇拜的信徒有共同研習聖經、靈修及團契之機會。
日期 :2021 年 7 月 26 日(星期一)至 7 月 28 日(星期三)
時間 :每天上午 9 時半至下午 5 時半
地點 :九龍窩打老道 71 號五旬節堂
活動內容 :一切活動俱在有紀律情況下進行,由本會有經驗導師多人負責指導。每天舉行靈修活動,包括 早上晨禱及講道、早午兩次就講題分組研討、午禱、全體研討大會及晚禱(自由參與)
參加資格 :凡本會年滿14歲,或主日學中甲班或以上之學生,及75歲或以下經常參加本教會聚集者,皆可報名參加。其他信徒亦可報名參與最後一天,即7月28日(星期三)下午3:30至5:30的大眾聚會(包含禱告、詩歌、研討報告、見證分享等)。
報名日期 :請於 6 月 27 日前,透過網上表格報名或向招美玲或黎月珍姊妹索取文本報名表格 (不用午餐者,或只參與部分聚會者,亦需填表報名,以便統籌)
費用 :膳費-每餐 20 元,請按所食餐數計算交費(報名時不用交費,詳情稍後公佈)。主日學生及年滿 65 歲長者全免,由教會津貼 。海外回港參加者費用全免(須確保已滿足香港政府的檢疫要求)
1. 鑑於目前疫情帶來各種不穩定因素,上述日營安排,包括時間、秩序及膳食等,可能將因應情況 而有所調整,敬請留意教會的最新公佈。
2. 請珍惜上帝給予我們參與靈修營的機會,盡量參與完整的日營,準時按報名的時段投入參與。
3. 教會保留批准參加的最終權利。